Colleagues who engage with ASET typically support placement and work-based learning, or employability development; from a central team or an academic-related or academic role. Although UK based, ASET extends a warm welcome to other European and International colleagues.
So if you are in any way involved with the spectrum of WBPL activities or Apprenticeships in HE in your professional life, then ASET should be of interest to you:
Please email the ASET office if you are interested in becoming a member.
By joining ASET, you are not only given the opportunity to work with like-minded professionals at our annual conference, networking events and training sessions, but our members also gain access to a wide range of resources and publications, helping to keep your knowledge base current.
ASET membership benefits both the institutional member and the placement professionals employed at an institution, and indirectly also benefits the employability of students undertaking work-based learning.
HE/FE providers and their employees and individual practitioners:
If your organisation is host to placement students then ASET can: