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Call: 0114 234 5197

Andy Dodge


Andy is the Partnership and Business Manager at Cardiff University’s Cyber Innovation Hub which aims to transform Cardiff Capital Region into one of the UK’s leading cyber security clusters by developing a targeted skills programme and supporting start-ups.

Andy’s previous roles have included the Employability and Placements Manager for the School of Social Sciences at Cardiff University, where he championed the concept of placement and WBL across the University. He has embedded both short and long-term placement/WBL initiatives within the academic curriculum and supported the development of extra-curricular activities. He has advised on good practice and provided training to colleagues at Cardiff.

And, prior to joining Cardiff, Andy worked for National Training Federation Wales (NTFW) – a pan-Wales membership organisation representing over 100 WBL providers, where he researched members’ views for responses to Welsh Government consultations and has presented evidence on behalf of NTFW to the Enterprise and Business Committee’s Inquiry.

Andy was elected at the 2020 AGM after serving a year as a Co-opted Trustee, and has been the ASET Treasurer since January 2022.