Having an involvement in, or being responsible for, the process of risk assessing placements can feel daunting. The majority of placement practitioners are unlikely to be experts in the field of health and safety law or student welfare. This workshop focusses on establishing manageable, proportionate and appropriate risk assessment and due diligence processes for placement provision. Formerly entitled Risk Assessment and Due Diligence, this workshop builds upon and develops these themes.
We draw upon the ASET Good Practice Guide for the Management of Health, Safety and Welfare of Student Placements, as well as the QAA Quality Code to assist placement practitioners with their decision making, question asking and escalation in this regard. It is aimed at university staff who work with student placements/work-based learning, whether new to the position or experienced and wanting a refresher/update, academic or administrative.
With a limited time available, and a breadth of content to cover, this session is predominantly lecture-based.
Complete our online booking form to reserve your place. Payment can be made via purchase order or you can call the office to pay with a credit or debit card.
Really great session. I feel confidently equipped with the knowledge I need to embrace H&S at placement practitioner level and the importance of lobbying my university H&S leads to provide a robust framework for departmental practitioners to work within.