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Call: 0114 234 5197


The ASET Advocates Panel (AAP) is a collection of individuals who bring unique knowledge and skills which augment the skills of the ASET Executive Committee. The panel serves to make recommendations and to provide key information and materials to the ASET Executive.

The ASET Executive has ultimate governance authority for ASET business, enabling the AAP to focus on specific issues, and to advise and support.

Initially created during the outbreak of COVID-19, the purpose of ASET Advocates in the form of a Panel (AAP) was to bring together a group of ‘critical friends’ for the ASET Executive Committee to:

  • Comment on professional development
  • Comment on new policies
  • Support Task and Finish Groups
  • Comment on new Good Practice Guides
  • Lobby, on behalf of the Executive Committee in areas of work based and placement learning
  • Focus on specific tasks related to business need

James Corbin

James is Head of Careers and Employability at the University of Kent.

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Professor Colin Turner

Colin is Executive Dean for Computing, Engineering and the Built Environment, and Professor of Engineering Education at Ulster University, and a National Teaching Fellow.

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The membership of the AAP is by invitation only, voluntary, and limited to a total of 6 members.

Members have been selected by the Executive Committee as having a clear understanding of the purpose and role of ASET in the work based learning and placements arena, and are likely, but not required to be, former ASET Trustees or Industry professionals. Members of the AAP are required to make declarations of any conflicts of interest and maintain confidentiality in relation to Executive Committee operations and decisions.

AAP Membership is initially for one calendar year, renewable in line with business need.